Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another day down....

Yep yep, one more crossed off.
Feeling physically tired today but good mentally.

Day 4
30 min run - hill repeats

5 Meals eaten - 100% clean and on plan.

2 litres - NO WAY ENOUGH!!
1 litre of herbal white tea

Off to bed, no run to do in the morning, so hope little girl lays in!! (YEH RIGHT!)
Hope everyone is well
Shar x


Ali said...

Gee they start to add up quickly don't they ;)that's wonderful

great idea Shar, hope your little girl slept in, and have a lovely weekend, must be awesome weather over there in WA at present.


LizN said...

Hi Shar,

Yes, one day at a time - looks like a heavy class load for you today -at least it's not two Attacks.


Nic said...

Hi Shar,
It is really good to see you have found that switch and are feeling better about it all. I know what you mean about a switch...we know we can do it as we've done a comp for God's sake...yet why is it so hard to stick to a relatively high calorie meal plan even for a day & on less cardio!!! It looks like we have both got going again and we can both keep it going from here! I will be in Perth for the WA comp on Oct 13th. Not sure if you are going along but if you are let me know.
Keep up the good work,

Anonymous said...

So glad your switch is back on!! I should come try out one of your classes some time!!