Tuesday, June 5, 2007

5 Weeks 3 days Out

This will just be a quickie to say all is well and that I just have no idea where the time is going!!

I'm actually getting a little scared now!! it will be here before I know it!!

The sore throat did turn out to make me a little off colour, had to xcover a few Bodyattack classes as I just couldn't summonds the energy to do them, throat was like a razor blade and I now have a cold, but apart from that I'm all good

Great session with Sam on Saturday just gone, the 'sarge' is starting to make her presence known though!! a few stern looks, a few blunt answers but also lots of giggling!!

I am now having to pose in my kini bottoms and at 4 weeks out she wants me in a G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god, i'm really not sure if I ever thought I would make it, but here i am and the dreaded G is approaching.

Bodyfat is at an all time low!!! Sam's impressed with the stirations (wrongly spelt!!) in my shoulders, scales are dropping again and changes were a plenty this week due to the 6 week mark.

My legs are finally giving it up!! YAY!! Feeling very small (probably coz I am!) and lean, although the leg and butt region do have a little more to drop to get into line with everywhere else.

Diet has had a shake up this week and I think the changes are gonna make all the difference. Not feeling deprived yet though.

Had 3 great weights sessions this week already and only have 1 top go before Saturday when my week rolls around again.

Ok, so thats me and where i'm at right now. I will hopefully post again on Saturday and then I may be offline for a week or so due to MOVING HOUSE, I can't believe i'm doing it!! oh well will make a few weeks very busy and fly by even quicker! :)

Hope you are all well and thanks for all your comments on my last post.

Speak soon
Shar x


Anonymous said...

Can you post a sample day of your diet. Give us an idea on what your working off.

You should post pics every week!!! We wanna see!!!

I think you'll do fab!

Pip said...

WOW, - you're so awe inspiring Shar! Taking all those Body Attack classes/being energising to all partakers, not screwing your face up and moaning when lunges/tricep presses etc hurt and doing your own training on top! Honestly you are a machine, - but I guess it's true dedication like that which gets results! And with strict eating, - unreal!

I think of you if I'm tempted to skip a workout!

You are doing and look awesome!!!


Anonymous said...

I moved interstate with work and home during my comp prep, you can and will do it no worries. ;o)

Amy said...

Well done shar. Sounds like you are so focused and prepared. Hope yo uare feeling better. Love reading how you are going

love amy