Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 14 - Weekly Report

Last weeks overview (Week 14 to Week 13)

Last week was a tiring week exercise wise, I was feeling sick with a sore throat by Tuesday and knew I was fighting something. I still did all sessions and taught all classes.

4 Weights sessions
6 Cardio Sessions
7 Bodyattack Classes taught
5 Bodybalance Classes taught

Had posing / diet change session with Sam again and felt a little happier than the first week!!
Still a bit wobbly on the shoes. We made a final decision about my music for my routine which is cool as I can't wait to see what Sam comes up with.

Finally my cold is subsiding and I'm ready to go ahead into another week and see changes happening to my body as I go. I feel so far away but I know time is flying at the moment so will make the most of every day, every workout etc.

Shar x


little rene said...

This is a great idea Shar! I will enjoy reading about your struggles and triumphs.

I think you are a FANTASTIC role model for your daughter BECAUSE of your experiences. She is a lucky girl to have a Mum that will totally understand any issues she has with body image, comfort eating etc. You are a very harsh critic of yourself Shar and I just wanted to tell you that I think you are AWESOME!

You go girl! (A little Oprah moment for you) LOL!

Magda said...

Wow Shar, this blog is excellent. Some of your previous posts have really hit home with me too. I will be following it with interest.



Miss Positive said...

Great blog Shar! I can relate to some of your past issues, especially Saturday's becoming a 'blow out'. This will be a great blog to look back on and re-read your journey to the figure stage!

Hilary xx

Shar said...


I just wanted somewhere to express 'what the hell I want' whether it be happy, negative, positive, angry etc. Just didn't want to brong my other blog down.

At least if you know from the start you may not be reading great stuff all the time, then the choice is yours whether to visit or not.


LizN said...

I love this blog too Shar. So much more fun reading about honesty, accountability and feelings than light and fluffy. What Cathe DVD were you after? I've ordered some more, so hopefully what you are after will be in there.


bev said...

I think its a great idea being so honest and saying what you really feel Shar.Alot of us can relate to what you are going thru.I am trying my hardest to do this comp too.So I''ll be following you to help support you on this fantastic journey.
Well done and good luck

Janew said...

Hi Shar, Great blog :)

Keep up the awesome work and you will achieve all your goals!!!

jane :)

stacytoby said...

Great work Shar! I am in the midst of making the decision to compete and blogs such as yours are a great inspiration. Keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

Now I know where you are I'll be checking up on you. LOL!! ;o) xx