Sunday, April 8, 2007

I'm so excited.....and I just can't hide it.....


So in my last post I mentioned I now start to meet Sam every Saturday for Posing, Routine practice and any changes etc.

I had such a cool time!!! but so much to remember!

So many positions to try so SAMO could choose the best position for my body type. It takes alot out of you doesn't it?!! and yes Sam I did have a achey lower back from all the tilting of my hips!!

We also went through my shortlist (or not so shortlist! :) ) for my routine music and I can't wait to see what Sam picks.

I came away pumped and ready to go for another week.

I also have to take my skinfolds every 2nd week, which was this week and they have dropped, my weight has also dropped in the first two weeks which I would expect it to.

Have struggled a little this weekend due to the choc about for the kids but have remained positive.

So far I have had a Wedding, Easter and Friend BBQ to get through and I have done it all really well. I am so proud of myself.
Having used excuse after excuse last year, wasted my time, energy and emotions fighting myself to get into shape, I finally did it at the end of the year.
It felt good, I felt strong and in control and I'm please to say after a shakey start to the year nutrition wise in Jan, Feb & March, I have found my head space again.

I am so excited about this journey and hopefully cap it of with ending up on the stage looking in reasonable condition in the Novice division

I also feel very lucky to have Sam as my coach.

Speak soon

Shar x

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