Sunday, April 29, 2007

11 weeks out - Stats & Update

5 weeks down - 11 to go
(well the virgo in me says 10 weeks 6 days to be exact!! Sorry Sam!!)

So overview for the last week:
4 Weights sessions - Pushed hard and worked to max
6 Cardio Sessions - Found these fine this week
6 Bodyattack Classes taught - had good energy for all :)
4 Bodybalance Classes taught - So looooveeerrly to teach.

My food plan isn't changing alot at the moment, Sam and I had a chat and found that we are both in agreement to leave alone if its working for me, both taste wise and nurition content wise.
What's the saying ' if it ain't broke, don't fix it'!! This is great for me as then I know what to buy, what to cook, what to prepare and everything is in control, another virgo trait I think!
I have just finished cooking the last of the four big trays of chicken!! (hubby's aswell!) done my turkey, just going to get stuck into peeling and chopping up my sweet pots. As i know there is no major changes coming for the next few weeks I brought more and I am a bit ahead of myself and the freezer is getting near to max!.
I have just gone through my schedule for the week (Saturday - Friday) all sessions planned and appts booked with hubby for my weights.
I taught my regular two classes this morning, a Bodyattack and Bodybalance and I had the pleasure of teaching Sam!! As you know she is a Bodyattack instructor and I always worry about teaching other instructors!! let alone if you think they are eyeing up what we need to work on for the next 11 weeks!! She also stayed for Bodybalance which at times was being adapted very well by her due to her shoulder!
Alot more comments coming this week from members in my classes, other staff members etc. as believe it or not my Abs are showing through already!! YAY!! Sam said she was impressed how my abs and upper body are comin in for this stage.
We did posing today after classes. Starting to feel better with it and just need to practice the flow between a little more.
We continue to go through my routine and got quite a bit done today. My carpet burns today have now got floorboard burns on top!! Sam had to point out that I was bleeding !! That just shows the dedication! Practice practice practice till I bleed. Solid as a rock! :)
Bodyfat, measurements and small weight change again this week.

Stats so far
Bodyfat down approx 9% (callipers used for monitoring of BF)
9.4kg in scale weight
Total of 45cm off accross all measurement sites ( Arms, Waist, Hips, Thighs and calfs)
Some back shots to show progress, taken
at 16 weeks out, 14 weeks out and finally 11 weeks out.......

So thats about it for my past week in comp prep, happy with it all, going
with the flow and trying to enjoy the process, 10 weeks 6 days to go,
where is the time going????
Hope you are all well

Sunday, April 22, 2007

12 weeks out

Well 11 weeks 6 days actually!!

Wow, where is the time going. . . . . . .

So how am I feeling?

Today I feel organised. I have cooked up all my food for the week, plus some.
My schedule for the week (Saturday - Friday) is well under way with 1 weights done and two cardios. Also taught two classes this morning, a Bodyattack and Bodybalance.

This week I have felt strong, in control and positive still but worried I have started to worry I haven't got enough muscle. I have been working hard with all my training etc but now my weight and bodyfat (which seems to be dropping fast!) is coming off I am feeling small.

Also this week I have had the most amounts of comments so far, members in my classes, other staff members etc. All good, stating 'what have you been doing, you look really good'. So this is good as it means the changes are coming and thats great now I'm at 12 weeks out.

Posing practice was good, felt a little better, still need more 'BUTT' lift in most poses.

HAVE STARTED MY ROUTINE!!!!! Not really something to get excited about????
We only did the first tincy bit, but Ialready love it!! I have carpet burns on the top of my feet from practice, the studio we use to meet in has carpeted floor, I will definately be wearing socks next week.

Bodyfat, measurements and weight all dropped again this week, I'm enjoying the progress but Sam has warned me it will slow down so i'l enjoy it whilst its happening and be ready to push hard when needed.

Weeks Overview
4 Weights sessions - Pushed hard and worked to max
6 Cardio Sessions - Found these fine this week
8 Bodyattack Classes taught - This was tough, I'm not a lover of putting my body through more than a max of 6 Bodyattacks per week, let alone teaching them to the max. ALTHOUGH - they have become easier as my weight has dropped quite alot in the past four weks and I'm not lugging that extra about!! YAY!
6 Bodybalance Classes taught - Had a great week of Bodybalance classes, a really great class to conteract everything else I do.

Anyway's off to bed, sleep is energy for body and soul.
Shar x

I thought I'd show you a pic of my cross off chart!!!
Each day I get through ON PLAN, I get a cross.
So far all days have a cross and now there is a few good rows crossed, I'll be damned if I coming off plan now and obviously it shows me how many days I have left to my first comp!!
I also have other days that are important to me listed.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 14 - Weekly Report

Last weeks overview (Week 14 to Week 13)

Last week was a tiring week exercise wise, I was feeling sick with a sore throat by Tuesday and knew I was fighting something. I still did all sessions and taught all classes.

4 Weights sessions
6 Cardio Sessions
7 Bodyattack Classes taught
5 Bodybalance Classes taught

Had posing / diet change session with Sam again and felt a little happier than the first week!!
Still a bit wobbly on the shoes. We made a final decision about my music for my routine which is cool as I can't wait to see what Sam comes up with.

Finally my cold is subsiding and I'm ready to go ahead into another week and see changes happening to my body as I go. I feel so far away but I know time is flying at the moment so will make the most of every day, every workout etc.

Shar x

12 weeks 6 days out

Day 23 of 112

So, another week down. Week 3 went well again. 13 to go.

So here comes some honest thought and feelings I said I would have in this blog.

Why do I feel strong, focussed and in control??? In all honesty it is worrying me.

I have had years and years of the total opposite.....feeling weak, unfocussed and so out of control sometimes I'm not sure how I didn't balloon to 100kgs more than twice!

I do understand that, yes, I have only done 3 weeks, and to some this is a meesley amount of time.

BUT let me tell you I can honestly say even when I have dieted and exercised my way down from 100kgs to 55kg twice, even when I was following weight watchers, even when I lost 11kgs at the end of last year, I have NEVER stuck to it totally all day every day for more than 6 days!!

I would always have a free meal, which turned into a free day and most of the time I would do that on a Saturday, so my mind is that messed up from years of yo-yoing that I would right off Sunday and binge all day, ready to 'START ON MONDAY', the good old classic diet starting day.

I have alot of other demons I could run on about but I hope the above explains a little as to why I'm wondering where the hell has this commitment come from and I also worry that I'm just gonna crash and burn any minute now.

Perhaps I do really want this, perhaps I have something to prove to myself, perhaps I have changed my mindset..................... perhaps, I've doubted myself for too long and I am stronger than I think?

I am just so used to feeling inferior, a lesser person, a fake in my industry, a crap role model for my daughter and a whole heap of other shit.

BUT just writing this down has opened my eyes, reading back through this post has made me realise...........
WHY WORRY ABOUT IT!!!!!!! If i'm doing it now, if i'm focussed and strong, harness it and move forward and maybe, just maybe I can make this dream a reality.

Shar x
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Believe in yourself and
all that you are.
Know that there is
something inside you
that is greater than
any obstacle.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Christian D Larson

Sunday, April 8, 2007

I'm so excited.....and I just can't hide it.....


So in my last post I mentioned I now start to meet Sam every Saturday for Posing, Routine practice and any changes etc.

I had such a cool time!!! but so much to remember!

So many positions to try so SAMO could choose the best position for my body type. It takes alot out of you doesn't it?!! and yes Sam I did have a achey lower back from all the tilting of my hips!!

We also went through my shortlist (or not so shortlist! :) ) for my routine music and I can't wait to see what Sam picks.

I came away pumped and ready to go for another week.

I also have to take my skinfolds every 2nd week, which was this week and they have dropped, my weight has also dropped in the first two weeks which I would expect it to.

Have struggled a little this weekend due to the choc about for the kids but have remained positive.

So far I have had a Wedding, Easter and Friend BBQ to get through and I have done it all really well. I am so proud of myself.
Having used excuse after excuse last year, wasted my time, energy and emotions fighting myself to get into shape, I finally did it at the end of the year.
It felt good, I felt strong and in control and I'm please to say after a shakey start to the year nutrition wise in Jan, Feb & March, I have found my head space again.

I am so excited about this journey and hopefully cap it of with ending up on the stage looking in reasonable condition in the Novice division

I also feel very lucky to have Sam as my coach.

Speak soon

Shar x

Friday, April 6, 2007

14 Weeks Out

Day 14 of 112

So, from day 1 to day 14!!

Two whole weeks completed and man can I feel a difference in my body and mind.

Am now eating all 7 meals on plan and am hungrey!! My metabolism must be starting to fire up.

Have been quite positive about it all since making that decision at 16 weeks out, must have been the do or die situation, always knew that my comp prep was starting then.

I can honestly say I have NEVER, EVER completed any diet or food plan for 14 days continuos. I have always had a free meal r treat at a certain point. So this is a big progression for me already.

Week 16 went well, had a wedding on day 7. Jen (the bride) knows I am prepping and had arranged for my food to be different! how kind!. I had grilled fish and steamed veggies, all approved by Sam as we were sat on the same table!

The cardio has been hard to fit in but all is good as long as I plan the whole week ahead, I can't miss a session as due to classes etc I have no scope to make it up anywhere else.

Week 15 has been good too. I had a course last weekend and that was a challenging time as I had to do cardio before and after two very long tiring days.

Weeks overview
4 Weights sessions
8 Cardio Sessions
7 Bodyattack Classes taught
3 Bodybalance Classes taught

So Week 14 begins tomorrow, as does my now weekly session with Sam, covering posing, routine, diet changes etc.
Having skin folds done tomorrow so will post the results soon.

Shar x