Monday, October 15, 2007

Day 22

Hey Hey
3 weeks done, clean eats for whole period, cardio daily twice a day somedays.

Loss this week - 1.5kg!! Total of 5.1kg fr the 3 weeks.

I am eating regularly, clean food, less carbs than Protien but still more than I would have thought I needed to lose weight, so all good at the moment.
Water has risen a little, still could get more down me, but at least it has risen and stayed consistent.

Motivation is still holding, no fighting myself etc and I have alot of mini events happening at the moment, almost one every two weeks from now, enough to keep me focussd and interested in continuing without blowing out.
Not major things, just things like events etc. For example - My Les Mills QW, always like to look 'presentable', as an instructor should, we have a Group Fitness Meeting coming soon where us GFM's hold an evening of awards, updating policy's etc for ALL our Group Fitness Instructors, I am going to see Justin Timberlake and can't wait for the night out.
You get the idea. I might even pop my mini event list on the side here.

Anyway, bed is calling, early run to do tomorrow morning.

Loving to see the pictures that are coming through from the comps, still a few that need to post!! so looking forward to those too.

Shar x

With each choice you make,
consider what that choice will bring.
You have the power to create your own results.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shar,

So proud of you and I right behind you trying to eat clean with you. Great loss again this week, keep up the great work. I am amazed that you don't drink alot of water, I find when I teach before and after the class I usually go through 1.5 litres and that's without the rest of the day.

Me loves me waterLOL.

Keep up the great work.


Unknown said...

Great to see your on track and staying there.... just out of interest how much water do you try and drink per day? I have a feeling Im not getting enough...

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a good day yesterday, keep it up Shar. :o)