Thursday, June 21, 2007

23 Days out

Hey all
So the days are passing me by! I don't actually think I realize wha's going on? Does that make sense to those that can remember their first comp prep?
I sort of feel that I'm on this road and although I know what direction I'm heading I'm not quite sure what the outcome will be or mean to me?
I am just planning each week with Sam and Hubby, putting it on my schedule, the schedule then gets printed up, put on the 'Comp Notice Board' and thats whats happens, come hell or high water, workouts get done, food is prepared and eaten as prescribed.
And that is how it has been since the day my 16 weeks prep started. Not one missed session, not one meal missed, no cheats, I've done everything i'm told. Perhaps in the first few weeks the only thing I could have improved on was intensity of weights sessions but still I trained hard, just found out it wasn't quite up there when I started having my sessions with Hubby.
I am not writing all this to boast or glote, just so I can try and understand what has been going on the last 13 weeks!! I feel like I'm in a bubble and everyone else is just doing what they do in there lives and I'm just doing what my life requires right now.
Perhaps it will all hit in soon, but even just reading this back now I still feel kind of fuzzy.
Anyway, energy levels are good, training good this week, not hungry just starting to crave..............................................Biscuits,
in particular Custard creams

Also and quite badly wanting this........ a maple and pecan tart, with freash cream or custard or perhaps both I don't think I care!! :)

Anyway mouth is watering!!
So to my comments from last post -
DI - Thanks for being excited for me!! as I don' seem to be for myself? Also dissapointed I won't get to met with you I thought you were coming, oh well next time. :)
Stacey - I will post a picture of me at my heaviest for you at the end of this post. Thanks for dropping by, I'm following your journey too!
HILDS, KELLY and SELINA - can't believe I will get to meet you all, sounds like I may have a few cheers to help my hubby out???? :)
Bev - Thanks for the comment Bev, good to see you back in blog land and will still be following your journey. Great news about becoming Reps in WA for the new Federation, had an e mail saying perhaps a show for WA later in the Year, count me in!!
PIP - thanks for coming to Bodyattack on a Tuesday, great to hear you enjoy your clas, thats the main thing and the reason I love to instruct, if we can make exercise fun whilst getting results then what better outcome!

Anyway all, better go and pick up my little girl, full on night ahead, more unpacking.................

Food shopping, with kids in tow!!!!!, dinner to prepare for them and Paul when he gets in late, and me to sort out for a busy day tomorrow.

Speak soon
Shar x
For Stacey and Hilds - Shar at 100kg..............


Hilds said...

OMG you are amazing! You have achieved so much and continue to do so. I can't believe your determination, it is unbelievable. Not long until you can indulge in some of those treats you have been dreaming about!

Sue Heintze said...

The photos really drive it home don't they Shar - I can't wait to see you on stage, and hopefully get to have a little chat though I am sure you will be super busy. You never get to talk to many people when you compete. I'll be backstage though, so I am sure we will get to talk a bit! Doing great, keep it up - and yep, well described - it's like being in a bubble!!

Tracey said...

Yes I totally understand the whole feeling like you are living your life in a "bubble" that is because you truely are, once the comp prep is over you can see the whole process you went through a lot clearer & definately it is a bubble. Wont be long now you have travelled a long hard road & soon enough you will have time to sit back and relax a little & reflect on your journey.

stacytoby said...

WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! That is an awesome transformation!!! What an inspiration Shar! Can't wait to cheer you on whilst you're strutting your stuff on stage at the All Females!!


bev said...

OMG!Icant believe that was you.That is truly amazing.Look how far you have come and not to cheat on your diet the whole 13 weeks,thats impressive.Keep going.Cant wait to see how you go.

Anonymous said...

Those photos just dont look like you. You should be mighty proud of yourself, its one thing to lose weight but to get where you are at takes nothing more then total dedication to what your doing. I hope you get good results on that stage because you really do deserve it!!

Miss Positive said...

Wow that photo just shows how far you have come, and its been amazing to follow your mental transformation too! You are doing so well, and it wont be long now til you can eat all those things you've been craving.

Not long to go! So exciting!!!! Wish I was going to be there this year (I went last year) but I'll be cheering you on from Brisbane!

Hilary xx

Ali said...

Look at those pics what an amazing accomplishment :)

Not long now, still not sure if I will be able to be there, should now soon, hope everything is still going along so well, thanks for the email :) Your lucky to have Sam so close

take care and keep us posted
