Monday, January 7, 2008

Update time

OK just a quick one because Craig Harpers post on Sleep has made me so conscious on getting the right amount of sleep for me, will be playing around with different amounts ever so often to try and find if I'm a 6 hour person or a 8 hour etc.
When I eat shit food I definitely feel sluggish and seem to need more sleep,
when eating well I need less, I know this from my comp prep.
I was getting through the day with less sleep, probably a regular 6 hours
per night, sometimes less!!

Anyway, back to update!! :)
6 Days done and dusted of good clean eating. 5 - 6 meals per day, 3 + litres of water, daily cardio, have gotten back to regular weights and loving it..
The last 6 days has seen me do:
5 Bodyattacks (so hard in the heat!!)
3 Bodybalances
1 Interval Run
3 Weights sessions

I have been on the scales, which have dropped, (I normally get on everyday) (yes I know, I know, no lectures please) but not as much as usual I have only been on twice in the last 6 days! the water has no doubt been the big drop I can see but you know what, the sooner that's gone the sooner we can start to get to the flubber!

I actually feel in control a enough now to really try hard not to get on the scales. So I am going to try for 28 days / 4 weeks getting on the scales.

Yes I should take it a little at a time, perhaps do 2 weeks etc,but I know that I can stick with this for 28 days straight and beyond and the results after a longer period of time will be way better than seeing a little at a time.

Also I have to make this about how I feel, how I see my self in the mirror, how my clothes feel and LESS about the scale number.
I already feel 100 x better than I did 6 days ago, both physically and mentally.

I have e mailed Sam and we should be getting together again soon!!
For a catch up, a belly feel and also we will be working on routines for me together.
I'm so excited and I love putting the routine together last comp. Also doing a bit of learning. I have been doing alot of research, reading etc on prep and would love to help out a friend who has asked me too. I also hope one day I will be able to prep myself, but I think this is a long way off, I have to be told what is happening and when, I can't let me have a free reign on myself I just don't listen! LOL!!

Anyway, Craig Harper is in my ear, the clock is ticking, I am feeling tired,
perhaps I'm a 10 hour person!

Shar x

28 days til the arrivals!!


Combat Girl said...

Hi Shar,

sounds like you have a plan, you are setting mini goals, you are achieving them and your confidence is growing... GOOD GIRL!!

You're too funny about not listening to yourself LOL! I am like you , tell me what needs to be done, where etc and lets just get on the with the job (with things I have no idea about).

Love hearing the excitement in you re your family, its awesome.

Have a great day.

RaeC said...

I love your goal Shar... I think it's a great one - those scales can do your head in at times. Just focussing on training right and eating right without the power of a scale to make it a good day or a bad day is a fantastic idea.

I'm with you on having someone else in charge... I nearly always see things worse than what they are in the mirror, so I need an objective person who cares about me enough to be honest with me... that person is my coach. There have been plenty times during comp prep where he's said "For God's sake would you go get a spray tan so that you can see that you are in a better condition than what you think you are!!" LOL!!

Have a great day gorgeous xxx

Ali said...

Those pics of you and of you and your family are lovely!!!

Look forward to following your journey during 2008

Ali xxx

Melanie said...

Woot 6 days! You do so much cardio! I miss all the Les Mills classes- my gym doesnt have them :( I used to love the Latin Aerobics, Body jam, and pump. I never got up the courage to do one of the spin classes, and I attempted a step class once- that was dangerous! Lol

Good luck with it all- you've done it before, and you can do it all again.

Have a good one

Amy said...

Hey Shar,

I can relate to you so well and everything you write in your posts I can relate to well. I was like you and jumped on the scales everyday. I have now tried to just weigh in once a week but it can be hard. They just do my head in! I is nice to hear you nice and positive. How is the new club going??


Em said...

Good on you hun, take back control over those scales! Numbers dodn't make you the wonderful perrson you are :)
You sound so confident in yourself it's wonderfl, you can do :)
Hope your having a great day hun:)

Dianna Broeren said...

I'm with you & Sam on loving the routine Shar! I think it is great fun having your own time on stage and showing more of "yourself".

Are you competing at the All Female Classic as well?


Anonymous said...

Love the header Shar, looks great! It sounds like you're much more on top of things than late last year and in a better head space. Slowly but surely you'll get there. :o) xx

Combat Girl said...

Hi Shar,

WHere are you?????????

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Long time no blog, what's happening with you? :o)

Claudine said...

Here is a quick update from me too Sharleen! I am competing again in June!!! :)

Em said...

Hope all is well hun :)
Hope your enjoying a lovely day :)

little rene said...

Hey there Shar!

Hope you are cruising along and loving life. The family visit must be getting close now. How exciting for you :)

jodie said...

Hey Shar
Hope you are doing OK?! Missing your posts, thinking of you...
