Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Chrismas in July......... well, nearly July!!

Thats what it felt
like as I opened
my express satchel
from Jo Rogers!!!!
MY KINI IS HERE!!!!!!!!! and it is just devine, gorgeous, stunning etc etc..... Well I like it anyway!! :)
Just a quick update........................
All going well, was going to post some pics but have decided against it for a few reasons.
Starting to get all organised, about time hey!!
All relevent appointments are booked, waxing, nails, been tanning regularly for the last two weeks and will continue with that up to the day I fly to Melbourne.
Just got to get some jewellery and dream tan and all purchases are made. Will do this on Sunday, its hubby's birthday and we have got a babysitter and will go into the city for a Sunday arvo shopping session!!
Getting hair and make up done on Saturday and some prof pics, was going to the beach but the weather in Perth is not up to alot right now so praying for some dry days ready for Saturday, keep your fingers crossed for me.
Work conference next week in Sydney, from Wednesday to Saturday, all food is prepared, bagged etc so feeling good about that. Also have to train whilst there but have any Fitness First to choose from obviously, can' wait, always good to go to other clubs.
Still got energy for my Cardio and Bodyattack classes???? thought i would be hitting some kind of wall soon but feeling really good physically, can't say the same mentally!! Getting a bit, what I would call 'ditzy'.
I am not hungry and not had any specific cravings this week like last week, although could still eat peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon!! :)
Scales have dropped again, got this morning, shouldn't have as I seem to have broken my cycle of daily weighing, but now I'm curious again!!
Seeing Sam on Saturday so I wondered what changes are coming my way this week!! OOOOOhh I can't wait!!! Only joking Sarge!
Anyway, must get some sleep although I'm not tired and my mind is just doing overtime!
Need to try meditation like Jodie.
Have a great Thursday and Friday and I hope to update at the weekend.
Shar x

Thursday, June 21, 2007

23 Days out

Hey all
So the days are passing me by! I don't actually think I realize wha's going on? Does that make sense to those that can remember their first comp prep?
I sort of feel that I'm on this road and although I know what direction I'm heading I'm not quite sure what the outcome will be or mean to me?
I am just planning each week with Sam and Hubby, putting it on my schedule, the schedule then gets printed up, put on the 'Comp Notice Board' and thats whats happens, come hell or high water, workouts get done, food is prepared and eaten as prescribed.
And that is how it has been since the day my 16 weeks prep started. Not one missed session, not one meal missed, no cheats, I've done everything i'm told. Perhaps in the first few weeks the only thing I could have improved on was intensity of weights sessions but still I trained hard, just found out it wasn't quite up there when I started having my sessions with Hubby.
I am not writing all this to boast or glote, just so I can try and understand what has been going on the last 13 weeks!! I feel like I'm in a bubble and everyone else is just doing what they do in there lives and I'm just doing what my life requires right now.
Perhaps it will all hit in soon, but even just reading this back now I still feel kind of fuzzy.
Anyway, energy levels are good, training good this week, not hungry just starting to crave..............................................Biscuits,
in particular Custard creams

Also and quite badly wanting this........ a maple and pecan tart, with freash cream or custard or perhaps both I don't think I care!! :)

Anyway mouth is watering!!
So to my comments from last post -
DI - Thanks for being excited for me!! as I don' seem to be for myself? Also dissapointed I won't get to met with you I thought you were coming, oh well next time. :)
Stacey - I will post a picture of me at my heaviest for you at the end of this post. Thanks for dropping by, I'm following your journey too!
HILDS, KELLY and SELINA - can't believe I will get to meet you all, sounds like I may have a few cheers to help my hubby out???? :)
Bev - Thanks for the comment Bev, good to see you back in blog land and will still be following your journey. Great news about becoming Reps in WA for the new Federation, had an e mail saying perhaps a show for WA later in the Year, count me in!!
PIP - thanks for coming to Bodyattack on a Tuesday, great to hear you enjoy your clas, thats the main thing and the reason I love to instruct, if we can make exercise fun whilst getting results then what better outcome!

Anyway all, better go and pick up my little girl, full on night ahead, more unpacking.................

Food shopping, with kids in tow!!!!!, dinner to prepare for them and Paul when he gets in late, and me to sort out for a busy day tomorrow.

Speak soon
Shar x
For Stacey and Hilds - Shar at 100kg..............

Monday, June 18, 2007

26 DAYS OUT!! What the??!!#**

26 days, 26 days, 26 days, 26 days......have to keep saying it, can't believe where the time is going and also that I need to get this butt into better shape in so little time!! ARRGGGHHHHH!!

So whats been going on in the world of Shar's prep.

Weights - 4 time per week
Bodyattack - 5 per week now
Bodybalance - 4 this week
CARDIO - 6 sessions this week

Everything is running to plan, had my usual Saturday session with SARGE (the name is definately SARGE NOW!!) and don't tell her :) but her guard came down a couple of times when she had me posing and she got a little excited - stating ' oh I'm so excited for you, your looking good'..............didn't last long though and she was back to shouting out the commands!!

Then came the diet assessment! definately a Sarge then! mixing it up a bit as of last week and seems to be working, I can feel my metabolism firing!

I am struggling a bit with holding the poses for any period of time so have alot of work to put in from now until comp day to get the body used to it.
Routine is done and dusted now, just practice, practice, practice. I love it and Sam is so cool at all that stuff.

Legs have come in a bit again this week and Sam reakons my butt has too, i'm getting the skin thing happening though, from where I have been 100kg twice and back down, goosey loosey on the ass I'm afraid, not alot I can do about that.

26 days, 26 days, 26 days........... oh there i go again, sorry :)

Alot been happening, moving, what a bloody nightmere! I have a interstate trip for 4 days with work a week out from comp! then my in-laws arrive! thats actually not a bad thing, just have to have the house sorted by then, then Paul and I will be flying to Melbourne on the Thursday before comp.

I was soooooo stressy last week, but have tried and suceeded in adopting the mindshift of - what seems like the end of the world now won't do in an hour, breath, chill and don't let it beat you.
Since trying that I have remained calmer and have found focus again this week, I was letting other shit take my mind away and at this stage, THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!!

I am getting some pics done at 2 weeks out from comp by a client of Paul's, this is super exciting for me, I've booked my hair and make up with Maurice Meade and will tan up a little more, some beach shots are on the cards. Gonna freeze my *##! off though!

Anyway, feeling tired now so will get some ZZZZZZZZZZZ's

Will update again soon......

Shar x

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hey all, am right in the middle of moving major disruption to phoneline, internet etc. so thats where I have been!! I have quickly 'found' a computer to allow me to blog these that I had written and cut and pasted in. will try my best to keep blogging as my journey is now only 4 weeks out and coming to the crunchtime.
Two posts below. Shar x

5 weeks out – Saturday 9th June 2007

So had my session with Sarge on Saturday. Skinfolds have dropped on my lower half this week and Sam said she can definitely see the difference.

Had a cardio change last week so this may be making the difference, I can certainly feel the difference when doing it!!

Also had a few diet changes last week so that may also be showing this week, I had a loss on the scales again so change is occurring.

I went through all my posing and we got a good chunk of my routine done and dusted.

Not looking forward to the next week, I’ll be four weeks out and I know there are some bigger changes coming to both training and diet. Got to try and focus and stay positive although it is getting to me a bit now and I am almost daily asking myself whether its all worth it, then I have a complete change and think all positive, telling myself - I’m so close and have done 12 weeks prep already what’s another 4 !

Have been moving this week and I’m finding that very stressful and draining, us virgo’s don’t like to be all up in the air!! Stuff unpacked etc. :)

So seeing as its not long now I’m starting to get my lists together and make sure I’m all sorted. Thanks to Sam and Lia who when replying to my Calling all figure girls and backstage bitches post sent me through a checklist via e mail!! Thanks again to all those that either e mailed me or posted it on there blog, it has been enlightening and very helpful.

Peanuts and who’s coming to the ALL FEMALES!!

I so fancy a bowl of nuts and in particular salted peanuts!!! As you know I love peanut butter and have craved that right from the start on a slice of hot wholemeal toast.

But now I just want peanuts.

Also, just wanted to ask who’s coming to the ALL FEMALES?

Who’s competeing and who’s spectating??

I’m getting excited, I get to meet SUE after working with her via e mail for over a year and also JODIE another inspirational woman!!

Am I gonna get to meet anyone else from blog land??

Hopefully I'll get to blog again over the weekend with my 4 week out report from SARGE!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Calling all Figure Girls and Backstage Bit*#es

OK so two posts in two days, 'what's going on' I hear you cry!! :)

But this is a request for all you veteran compers to don your thinking hats and give me some great tips and advice for my upcoming FIRST COMP!! ..... Please?

I thought it would be great to gather as much info as possible in relation to the week prior to comp and comp day itself, so, if you would like to help me on my way :) tell me what worked for you.
Previous Backstage Bit*#es, you can tell me anything you can about things I need to make sure I have to ensure a smooth prep to the stage!!
I know it is a very individual thing but I figure its best to be aware of everything than nothing!!

So, if you would like to offer some tips and advice my way please e mail me the following (cut and paste if you wish) to

Top 2 Diet Tips or Advice:

Top 2 Training Tips or Advice:

Top 2 Beauty / Make up / Hair Tips or Advice:

Top 2 Tips on mentally coping!!!!

Your Best Bit of Advice:

This will not only benefit me but also the other Novices amongst us.
I look forward to my e mail being full!!


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

5 Weeks 3 days Out

This will just be a quickie to say all is well and that I just have no idea where the time is going!!

I'm actually getting a little scared now!! it will be here before I know it!!

The sore throat did turn out to make me a little off colour, had to xcover a few Bodyattack classes as I just couldn't summonds the energy to do them, throat was like a razor blade and I now have a cold, but apart from that I'm all good

Great session with Sam on Saturday just gone, the 'sarge' is starting to make her presence known though!! a few stern looks, a few blunt answers but also lots of giggling!!

I am now having to pose in my kini bottoms and at 4 weeks out she wants me in a G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god, i'm really not sure if I ever thought I would make it, but here i am and the dreaded G is approaching.

Bodyfat is at an all time low!!! Sam's impressed with the stirations (wrongly spelt!!) in my shoulders, scales are dropping again and changes were a plenty this week due to the 6 week mark.

My legs are finally giving it up!! YAY!! Feeling very small (probably coz I am!) and lean, although the leg and butt region do have a little more to drop to get into line with everywhere else.

Diet has had a shake up this week and I think the changes are gonna make all the difference. Not feeling deprived yet though.

Had 3 great weights sessions this week already and only have 1 top go before Saturday when my week rolls around again.

Ok, so thats me and where i'm at right now. I will hopefully post again on Saturday and then I may be offline for a week or so due to MOVING HOUSE, I can't believe i'm doing it!! oh well will make a few weeks very busy and fly by even quicker! :)

Hope you are all well and thanks for all your comments on my last post.

Speak soon
Shar x